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    1. 今天是:
      News GDPP
      當前位置:首頁>News GDPP
      · 【View & Talk】Seminar for Chief Prosecutors opened in Guangdong (08-23)
      · 【View & Talk】Guangdong severely punishes crimes of damaging marine environment and resources (08-16)
      · 【View & Talk】Greater Bay Area Launches A Regulation for Community Correction
      · 【View & Talk】Guangdong procuratorial organs carried out micro livestream and invited netizens to join the Bay Area citywalk (07-20)
      · 【View & Talk】Unveiling ceremony for “National Model Procuratorate” was held in Nansha, Guangzhou (06-28)
      · 【View & Talk】Action plan on building IPR protection system unveiled (06-14)
      · 【View & Talk】SPP’s centralized interview activity was conducted in Guangdong (04-28)
      · 【View & Talk】China to intensify combat against organized crime in economic fields (04-12)
      · 【View & Talk】The 1st Commendation Ceremony?for Individuals Who Rose to the Occasion during Emergencies in Guangdong Province Kicked Off (04-01)
      · 【View & Talk】SPP and ACWF release typical cases (03-22)
      · 【View & Talk】Handle every case with high quality and efficiency (03-18)
      · 【View & Talk】Home is where the heart is (03-07)
      · 【View & Talk】SPP conducted a field study in Guangdong procuratorial organs (03-01)
      · 【View & Talk】Guangdong stressed integration of industries and technologies (02-23)
      · 【View & Talk】Commending advanced models in Guangdong procuratorial organs (02-09)
      · 【View & Talk】Guangdong chief prosecutors conference was held (02-02)
      · 【View & Talk】Increasing people’s sense of gains (01-26)
      · 【View & Talk】Safeguarding social stability and people’s wellbeing (01-25)
      · 【View & Talk】Safeguarding national security (01-25)
      · 【View & Talk】Safeguarding social fairness and justice (01-24)
      · 【Bilingual】落實全過程人民民主 (01-26)
      · 【Bilingual】傾情呵護未成年人健康成長 (01-23)
      · 【Bilingual】護航綠美廣東生態建設 (01-19)
      · 【Bilingual】廣東“兩院”建立常態化交流會商機制 (01-15)
      · 【Bilingual】大檢察官大法官同庭履職 (01-15)
      · 【Bilingual】粵港澳大灣區九市檢察機關加強懲治海上跨境走私犯罪檢察協作 (01-05)
      · Mangrove Protection Guangdong Province (12-13)
      · 【Bilingual】加強與上合組織成員國檢察機關合作 (11-20)
      · 【Bilingual】依法從嚴懲治網絡暴力違法犯罪 (10-23)
      · 【Bilingual】最高檢聚焦公益訴訟 (09-22)
      地址:廣東省廣州市珠江新城華強路6號 郵編:510623
      正義網 京ICP備10217144-1號
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